

Cécile La Grenade

Cécile La Grenade


Emmalin Pierre

Emmalin Pierre

Minister of Education

# Population


# Students


# Teachers


# Schools


Mean of schooling

Evolution of access to basic resources

Evolution of enrollment

GDP and growth

Goverment expenditure on education

Political context

Grenada is a constitutional monarchy with Queen Elizabeth II recognised as head of state, who is represented locally by a Governor General, whose role is primarily ceremonial. The country achieved independence from Britain on 7 February 1974.


EExecutive power is vested in the Prime Minister, who is usually the leader of the largest party in Parliament.


Economic and social context

Grenada is home to an estimated 112,000 people, the majority of whom are of African descent (82.4 per cent). Approximately 65% of the population lives in rural areas; the majority of the general population (95%) lives on the main island of Grenada (the archipelago comprises three sister islands, Grenada, Carriacou and Petit Martinique, and some 600 small, mostly uninhabited islets).


Its economy is heavily based on tourism. Since the last assessment in 2007/2008, there has been an absence of up-to-date information on poverty levels in Grenada. (World Bank 2020; UN 2020).



Educational context

The Education Act No 26 of 2012 is the main legislative framework for the provision of education services.


The formal education system is organised at 4 levels: preschool, primary, secondary and tertiary. The system has 26,208 students in 208 schools, 31% of which are private. The church still plays an important role in these schools.



Source: Knight, V., Marshall, Jason, Depradine, K., & Moody-Marshall, R. (2021). Grenada ‘s country review. Santiago de Chile: SUMMA . Santiago de Chile: SUMMA


Photo credit: GPE KIX

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