

Charles Savarin

Charles Savarin


Octavia Alfred

Octavia Alfred

Minister of Education

# Population

10.85 M

# Students


# Teachers


# Schools


Mean of schooling

Evolution of enrollment

GDP and growth

Government expenditure on education

Evolution of access to basic resources

Political context

Dominica is an independent state and a member of the Commonwealth and the Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS). The island was originally inhabited by the Kalinago people and later colonised by Europeans in the 18th century.   According to the constitution adopted at independence on 3 November 1978, politics in Dominica is conducted within the framework of a parliamentary representative democratic republic, in which the president is elected by Parliament for a 5-year term and executive power is vested in the Prime Minister and Cabinet.  

Economic and social context

Dominica is in a seismic zone and, like other Caribbean countries, is exposed to tropical storms and hurricanes. Tourism is considered one of the country’s main economic industries, but the closure of the borders as a result of COVID-19 contributed to the economic hardship of its inhabitants.  


In terms of population, Dominica is home to people of African, Indo-Caribbean, East Indian and European (Irish, British and French) descent, as well as small groups of Lebanese, Syrians and Asians. It is also characterised by the presence of a very small population of approximately 3,000 Caribs (Kalinagos).


Educational context

The Education Act No. 11 of 1997 – associated with the OECS Harmonised Education Bill – and its amendments provide the regulatory framework for education from pre-primary to higher education.  


Education is compulsory for ages 5 to 16. There are approximately 12,500 students in the country, from kindergarten to upper secondary, in 157 educational units with 1,178 teachers. 40% of students are located in the country.  


Forty per cent of the students are in rural schools. In kindergarten and pre-primary, education is almost entirely private. By contrast, in primary and secondary education, 97% of students attend public schools. Ensuring full access remains a challenge, particularly at lower socio-economic levels and in upper secondary education.



Knight, V., Marshall, J., Depradine, K., & Moody-Marshall, R. (2021). Dominica´s country review. Santiago de Chile: SUMMA.

Photo credit: GPE KIX

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