
Frequently Asked Questions

EduData is a platform of educational, socio-economic, demographic and science and technology indicators of the KIX LAC countries, which aims to provide qualitative and quantitative information about the current situation of the countries in terms of education, to show the progress in each of the indicators, and finally, to provide evidence and useful information for decision-making and public policies for the education sector.
A careful selection was made of the main dimensions and indicators from the databases of ECLAC (, the UNESCO Institute for Statistics, the GEM report, SCIMAGO, the World Economic Forum and the World Bank, with the aim of providing new visualisations and possibilities for interaction between the data.
To access the data you have the possibility to do so through each country or through a specific indicator. If you want to see the data for each country, go to the “countries” section and select the country of interest. If you wish to consult a specific indicator, go to the “indicators” section and select the indicator and dimensions of interest.

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