
Pupil-trained teacher ratio (headcount basis)

Pupil-trained teacher ratio (headcount basis)

Definition: Average number of pupils per trained teacher at each level of education (pre-primary, primary, lower and upper secondary education) in a given academic year.

A trained teacher is one who has received at least the minimum organized pedagogical teacher training pre-service and in-service required for teaching at the relevant level in a given country in a given academic year.

Trained teacher: Teacher who has fulfilled at least the minimum organized teacher-training requirements (pre-service or in-service) to teach a specific level of education according to the relevant national policy or law. These requirements usually include pedagogical knowledge (broad principles and strategies of classroom management and organization that transcend the subject matter being taught – typically approaches, methods and techniques of teaching), and professional knowledge (knowledge of statutory instruments and other legal frameworks that govern the teaching profession). Some programmes may also cover content knowledge (knowledge of the curriculum and the subject matter to be taught and the use of relevant materials).

Source: Administrative data from schools and other organized learning centres.

Methodology: SEE LINK.

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